Parts of Speech Games for Students

Panda Pop

Panda Parts of Speech.pngParts of Speech Targeted: Pronouns, Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives, Adverbs

About: Students click through to a parts-of-speech review before playing a “game.” The student is provided ten sentences, and they must identify the part of speech in an ALL CAPS word to feed the panda. “Game” in quotes because it’s really just practice.  It’s stops at 10 questions no matter how well you do. If you click “play again”, a different set of sentences will be provided. If you want students to record their answers and discuss or reflect on them later, you may use this record sheet.

Note: This game runs on flash which will be disabled on December 18th. Hopefully they reprogram the game.

Parts of Speech Asteroids

Parts of Speech Asteroids.png

Parts of Speech Targeted: Pronouns, Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives, Adverbs, Prepositions

About: This one is fun. The player is a spaceship and must destroy falling asteroids before they pass the ship. The part of speech on the asteroid changes to direct the pilot which asteroid to destroy next. Audio is loud, so make sure students silence their device or where headphones.

Word Invasion

Word InvasionParts of Speech Targeted: Pronouns, Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives, Adverbs, Prepositions – You can play the game with all, one, some, or all! You are able to omit certain parts of speech prior to starting.

About: Six Levels. Can select speed/difficulty. Very similar to asteroid game except the player is an octopus instead of a spaceship and is trying to zap jellyfish before they approach him. The part of speech on the octopus changes so he knows which jellyfish to target.