
I’m a passionate 5th grade teacher and K-6th tutor in the San Diego area. I’m a lover of all things outdoors, running and reading. I believe the best way to grow is to reflect and share, which is why I’ve started this blog. This blog is my attempt to encourage continued personal and professional growth and perhaps help some teacher friends and homeschool moms along the way.

All of the information provided on my website is free…no teases that lead to Teachers Pay Teachers’ links. My hope is that the work I do for my class can extend beyond my classroom, helping teachers and students beyond my four walls. Spending $5 on each TPT resource adds up! So, please feel free to use my free resources. If you’d like to help me out in return, you can share my resources with others and provide appropriate credit when doing so. I hope you enjoy my site!

Click on the Home link in the menu above to go to the page that really matters; it’s packed full of upper elementary (5th grade) content. I also post new helpful resources and information on my twitter account. If you have a Twitter account (and you’re into this sort of thing), click the follow button in the sidebar.

8 thoughts on “About

  1. I tutor children with dyslexia and I just finished reading Because of Mr. Terupt with one of my kids. Unfortunately I just stumbled upon your excellent teacher’s guide. I am sharing it and your blog with other tutors at our center. It’s an excellent guide and it’s refreshing to find a resource that is ad-free. We have now started reading Mr. Terupt Falls Again – darn, I wish you had a guide for that one too:-)
    Thanks for sharing your gifts!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much. It’s so nice to receive positive feedback. I hope to make a guide for Mr. Terupt Falls Again, too….probably over the summer. Thank you for taking the time to write a positive comment. 🙂


  2. Celeste,
    I am starting to teach 5th grade this upcoming school year. I see that your website will be so helpful. I came upon it searching for a Webquest on Wonder. I love the book and feel sends such an important message. I wondered if you would give me permission to not only use it, but to download it and change it to suit my classroom. I am in my Master’s program in Educational Technology and our assignment is to select a Webquest, get author permission, and then update and change it. Would that be okay? My email is ibjoyful13@gmail.com if you could send me a quick note granting permission to do so. It won’t be posted on the web, but used strictly for my assignment in my course.

    Thank you,

    Liked by 1 person

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